Thursday, October 25, 2007

New Old Sewing Machine ----> Inspiration!

Isn't she a beauty? This is my new old Singer sewing machine -- a 301 Singer, circa 1954. The model is the 'big sister' of the famous Singer Featherweight.

I purchased it from a dear friend, who is an experienced Singer sewer and who had this 'extra' machine. No, really! She has two Featherweights, bought this one, and then found another 301 with cabinet. So now this one is mine.

I have named her Ginette. That name is in an old French textbook I thrifted the same week that the machine came to live here.

The gold detailing on the machine is so beautiful.

And so is Daisy, my pretty black cat, who just had to have her picture taken with Ginette.

Here's Daisy again, in my spring tote bag:

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I've already finished two projects with the new machine: a quilted summer bag that was nearly done for a while (stalled after putting in the magnetic snap on that one), and a 'Tiny Happy' bag, made from an old pillowcase with a pattern from Tiny Happy blog. Will post pics of the bags tomorrow.

So pleased to have a substantial machine -- one that does not stall when confronted with a bulky seam. The motor just purrs. It's my new love. (Don't tell Daisy.)


Nancy Jo said...

Pretty nice Katie, and it matches the kitty! I think that is like the one My Grandma had, does it have a knee press to make it run, or a foot pedal?
Another good thing is that you posted again, always glad to see that.

Dalyn said...

Wow- I can tell you are a woman with creativity and an eye for beauty, so the comment you left on my blog feels like high praise indeed. Thanks!

If you look on my blog profile you will see my soap blog- it has all the info on it.

I love old sewing machines too! I just can't sew worth beans! My teen daughter does the sewing around here. SHe's had her own machine since she was 12. Mine collects dust. sigh.

carol said...

my cat Flo is so jealous, I don't get out my sewing machine very often!

Unknown said...

Just got to love those old machines! So glad you got signed up for my giveaway, and so glad I found your blog, your one crafty lady!

Shannon said...

Hey there! thanks ever so for the comment. I'm a total wuss so I will obviously machine-stitch the quilting part. My hands are pretty bad (carpal tunnel and such) so that kind of puts a cramp (ha! get it? cramp?) in doing fine handstitching.
I love your blog, by the way!
Good luck with your projects!

Felicia said...

What a gorgeous old sewing machine. And I love your kitty!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your beautiful new/old machine! I have my mother-in-law's Singer, and I love it. It is also elegant black with gold trim, but it lives in a blonde wood cabinet that screams fifties. Doris Day would be a good name for my machine.

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

What a fantastic machine! I got me a Singer Featherweight 221 for Christmas..I'll be posting pics of it soon so come visit!

Artful Sister #22

Valerie K said...

Oh my! Your kitty looks so much like John's! Lady Minx Diesel de la Underfoot (Minx for short) has big green eyes and a little spot of white on her neck, too! So cute!